Tree clearing laws should be a cornerstone for achieving environmental outcomes that address the needs and concerns of those holding competing land use interests for agricultural systems or the environment.

But, regulatory control of tree clearing in agricultural systems has led to conflict in Queensland.

Government has legal obligations imposed on them to regulate tree clearing in in a way, that includes preventing the loss of biodiversity, critical habitat and conserving remnant vegetation. At the same time, a legal obligation to allow for sustainable land use must be complied with: This mean that the social and economic impacts on regional Queensland as well as on national food security must also be addressed.

These articles provide a problem-solving pathway for Government to resolve the conflict that has arisen.

1.0      Queensland’s Tree Clearing Laws & Decision-Making:

The Politics of Sustainability & Agricultural Systems

TAGS: Queensland; vegetation management act; equity; sustainable land use; environment; agriculture; biodiversity; conflict; unintended consequences; Kyoto Protocol (Posted 15 July 2016)



2.0       Tree Clearing, Endangered Species Legislation, Critical Habitat & Agricultural Systems:

Conflict Ignition or Conflict Avoidance?

TAGS: Tree clearing; legislation; living area; threatened species; fauna; critical habitat; economics; LULUCF; conservation; biodiversity; protected areas; scientific uncertainty; conflict

(Posted 22 August 2016)





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