1.0 Endangered Species Legislation, Renewable Energy Developments and Action for Climate Change: Conflict or Co-Existence? (Posted August 2016)

Co-existence can prevail, if the public participatory process for future siting decisions for renewable energy developments enables competing land use interests - Government, industry and the community (farming/grazing, green, Indigenous and local) - to all be involved in joint action and shared responsibility in site decision-making.



2.0 Resolving Public Health Conflicts by Alternative Dispute Resolution (Posted August 2013)

ADR processes and negotiation can be used to manage conflicts over public health; and lead to environmental management and monitoring programmes  to safeguard public health.



3.0 Wind Energy: Siting Decisions, Health Concerns and Scientific Evidence (Posted August 2011)

Three perspectives – political, scientific and legal – need to be integrated to identify the scientific evidence to address any fear in the community that wind farms pose a public health problem.

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4.0 Moving to a Clean Energy Future; Or Conflict and Litigation?

The debate for resolving conflicts over public health, endangered species and renewable energy sites has evolved to one of degree. The question that should be asked is: What protections, such as permissible noise levels or setback distances, are appropriate to protect human health?





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