Environmental Conflicts and Divergent Scientific Opinion

ADR:The Scientific Round-Table & Conflict Management

The Scientific Round-Table is a structured Alternative Dispute Resolution process  ("ADR") to evaluate and resolve divergent viewpoints on scientific and technical issues in environmental conflicts? It was developed and used by Dr Ted Christie in conflict management for resolving conflicts undertaken,  external to and independent of the courts.

1.0    Resolving information conflicts through the use of the scientific round-table, provides a problem-solving pathway for achieving meaningful involvement of competing interests in conflict resolution.

2.0    The goal of the scientific round-table would be to ensure that the outcome was consistent with the standards and criteria used by science for evaluating the relevance and reliability of a scientific finding or theory.

3.0    That is, by relying on the enduring criteria of testability, objectivity and impartiality - together with the test for acceptance of widespread consensus within the scientific community following peer review and publication.

4.0    The scientific round-table would also facilitate reaching a negotiated outcome that reflected fair treatment:   That is, one that minimized the extent to which environmental costs and benefits were shared disproportionately between Government, industry and the community.

Environmental justice would prevail if these goals were achieved.

READ MORE on the underlying concepts and principles

of the scientific round-table and their applcation in the following articles: -

COVID-19 Pandemic Review Process; and

Bushfires, Fuel Load, Hazard Reduction, Risk, Climate Change & Conflict Resolution


  • Adani Carmichael Coal Mine & Rail Project and EIA;
  • Water Resouces Management ~ Murray - Darling River Basin Plan;
  • Climate Change, Carbon Models & LULUCF Activities

1.0   Evaluation of the Adani Project ~ A Need for Review?

Resolving Public Interest Environmental Conflicts:

The Scientific Roundtable ~ A More Effective Role for Science


TAGS: Adani; coal; EIA; development; environment; evaluation; scientific evidence; information conflicts; approval; conflict management; scientific roundtable (Posted 09 July 2019)

1.0     After almost nine years, nine legal reviews and $3.7 billion in “start-up” costs, the ‘Adani Carmichael Coal Mine and Rail Project’ was finally approved by the Queensland Government in June 2019. It will be one of the largest coal mines in the world.

2.0     Why have the planning and evaluation processes taken so long? Must the history of conflict and delay repeat?

3.0     Some form of objective review of the environmental evaluation and approval processes for Adani is warranted to offset this concern.

4.0     This article outlines why the scientific roundtable needs to be considered in any review of the Adani evaluation and approval processes as it provides science with a more effective and  direct role to resolve information conflicts in public interest environmental disputes.


2.0 Water Resources Management Problem Solving -

Ecological Health of the Murray-Darling Basin River System

and the Public Interest:

Fish Kills in the Lower Darling River and Conflict Management

(Posted 18 January 2019)

TAGS: Murray-Darling Basin; fish kills; reliable and relevant scientific evidence; information conflicts; conflict management; scientific round-table; conflict resolution

1.0   The Murray-Darling Basin river system is Australia’s longest river system & contains Australia’s 3 longest rivers.

2.0   The Basin Plan was developed to manage the Basin as a whole connected system.

3.0   A new controversy - ecological health of part of the river system - has now arisen: A fish kill of around one million dead fish covering a 40km stretch of the Darling River.

4.0   Divergent scientific and political opinion exists as to the cause of the fish kills.

5.0   The situation has been described by politicians as a “devastating ecological event” and “an ecological disaster”.

What problem-solving pathways exist to manage and resolve this

public interest environment conflict in order to find a solution

that is firm, can be implemented and is sustainable?

The Scientific Round-Table is one such option.


3.1       Climate Change, Carbon Models and LULUCF Activities

F(Utility) of Carbon Modelling and Conflict Assessment

(Posted 2 May 2016)

TAGS: Climate change; carbon dioxide; sources; sinks; LULUCF; scientific uncertainty; known unknowns; IPCC; GOSAT; NASA OCO-2; Case Study-Queensland’s tree clearing laws



3.2      Climate Change, Carbon Models and LULUCF Activities

Conflict Management: Resolving Divergent Scientific Opinion

TAGS: CO2; sampling strategy; model validation; sensitivity analysis; information conflict; Task Force National GHG Inventories; scientific round-table; Daubert’s case US Supreme Court; reliable and relevant science; objective criteria; C3- C4- Photosynthesis Respiration

(Posted 9 May 2016)



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