Action for Climate Change ~ A Conflict Resolution Perspective

“It’s Not Just About Reducing Emissions… !”

Must the Kyoto History Repeat? (Posted 14 August 2024)

KEY WORDS: Net zero; emissions; Paris Agreement; SDG13; energy security; environment; Rupert Murdoch; sustainable development; Policy; Guiding Principles; objective criteria; COP29; conflict resolution.

1.0   Concern over climate and energy issues has led to uncertainty whether the focus of Australia’s net zero Plan to reduce emissions is on a collision course with adverse socio-economic impacts? This is a good example of an environmental conflict.

2.0   In an interview ahead of The Australian newspaper’s 60th anniversary, News Corp and Fox Corporation Emeritus Chairman, Rupert Murdoch, widened the climate change-environment debate as well as on Australia’s approach to achieve net zero.

3.0   In this article, a problem-solving pathway for going forward to address these concerns is outlined, based on the linkage between the Paris Agreement and the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: -

Action for climate change and emissions reduction

is recognized as a “classic sustainable development problem” to resolve.

4.0   Finding a sustainable solution aims to get the balance right between emission reduction targets and concerns for the environment and climate and maintaining a competitive economy and affordable energy.

5.0   A cornerstone of the pathway is the application of one of the long-standing and  accepted elements for conflict management and resolution: To “Insist that agreement be based on objective criteria”.

6.0   The Guiding Principles for Sustainable Development as prescribed in a landmark Australian National environmental policy, are presented as a catalyst for wider debate and consideration at COP29, Baku - because of their potential  role as objective criteria for evaluating a potential “net zero National Plan” ”in the context of sustainable development”.

There are now opportunities for Australia, today, to be seen

as an influential UN Party for promoting climate and energy issues

by implementing a sustainable solution

for its National Plan in transitioning to net zero.


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